Presidential Toast
American Dental Society of Europe
Florence, Italy
Mark Twain, one of America’s greatest novelists, lived in Florence for a short time.
He wrote about how in the evenings, the sun overwhelms Florence with “tides of color…” turning it into a “city of dreams.”
He also said—very accurately, I might add—that God himself couldn’t make his way through this city and not get lost!
Having experienced the magic of Florence at sunset, and gotten lost while doing it, I recognize that there is beauty in both the order, and disorder, of things.
Getting lost and finding your way is part of the magic.
In the same way, I’ve enjoyed exploring our shared profession with each of you.
And while we’re often frustrated by the complexities of dentistry… our time in Florence has shown us to appreciate the journey—however many twists and turns there might be.
Here’s to our hosts.
For introducing us to the magic of Florence. And for your hospitality in bringing us together.
And to each of you—my colleagues.
To our shared history and experience. To our friendship. And to the magic of getting lost in Florence.